Further to the introduction of the new statutory curriculum subject, Relationship and Health Education, we are pleased to let you know that our school has decided to adopt the programme, Life to the Full, produced by the Catholic educational organisation, Ten Ten Resources.
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Username: olph-dn5
Password: garden-fete
To find out more about the parent consultation process for our RSE curriculum, please see the letter below
Information leaflet
School has made the decision to supplement the Life to the Full programme with sessions led by Big Talk.
Big Talk's vision is to ensure as many children and young people as possible, receive high quality relationship and sex education, to keep them safe, healthy and happy.
An Introduction to the Growing Up Safe programme.
Children want their parents to be the first people to talk to them about growing up, sex and relationships. Yet many parents say they lack confidence to answer their children’s questions frankly, so schools should be there to help and BigTalk Education are here to support Schools and Teachers. Members of the Big Talk Team will come into our School for a whole day, ensuring your children (and Parents) are well educated to keep them safe, healthy and happy! Their Growing Up Safe : Whole School Approach programme covers children from Nursery to Year 6 and includes Parents and School Staff.
In 2017 Big Talk Education was awarded the Pamela Sheridan award by the FPA (Family Planning Association) the highest accolade in Sex Education, of which they are immensely proud!
For further information about Big Talk Education, please follow this link: