Chair - Mrs H Bellinger

Vice Chair - Mr P Batchelor 


 Foundation Governors

Mr J Schofield  

Mrs M Cunningham


LA Governor

Mr P Batchelor


Parent Governors

Ms K Jepson


  Staff Governor

Mrs L Bent


Associate Members

Mrs L Bent

Mrs Y Gac


 Executive Head Teacher

Mrs D Collins

Mr Turton is one of our foundation governors who has responsibility for British Values. He met with our school council on Wednesday June 15th 2016



 Chair - Mrs H Bellinger

Vice Chair - Mr P Batchelor 


 Foundation Governors

Mr J Schofield  

Mrs M Cunningham


LA Governor

Mr P Batchelor


Parent Governors

Ms K Jepson


  Staff Governor

Mrs L Bent


Associate Members

Mrs L Bent

Mrs Y Gac


 Executive Head Teacher

Mrs D Collins

Mr Turton is one of our foundation governors who has responsibility for British Values. He met with our school council on Wednesday June 15th 2016