Information for Parents


School Day





8.55am -


8.55am -


8.55am -


8.55am -


1.00pm -


1.00pm -


1.00pm -




In School on Time

Please remember that the school doors open at 8.45am. School starts at 8.55am. If your child/children arrive after 8.55am they will be given a ‘late’ mark.


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is open from 8.00am – 8.45am in the school hall, but breakfast is only served until 8.30am. The cost is £2.00 per day and £1.50 for additional siblings.


Dinner Money

Dinner Money is £11.25 per week £2.25 per day and is payable on Parent Pay.

(From September it will cost  £2.50 per Day £12.50 per week)


Water Bottles

Can we remind parents that every child should bring a water bottle to school. Juice is only allowed at lunch time.



Fruit is provided each day free of charge to all the Infants. If you have children in the Juniors (Y3 and above) who wish to have a snack at playtime, please could they bring their own fruit to school. The children cannot have sweets, biscuits, crisps etc at playtime.



Please remember that jewellery is not allowed to be worn in school except for small stud earrings (which must be removed for PE). This includes ‘Looms’.



PE Kit

Please send the PE kit on a Monday and leave it at school until Friday.


Free School Meals

There is a new on-line service for parents wishing to apply for Free School Meals. When you log onto the Doncaster website and search for Free School Meals, the page now has an option to apply on-line. Once completed, the application is automatically checked against the Department for Education’s Eligibility Checking Service (ECS) and instantly tells you if you qualify for free school meals. The application is then automatically forwarded to the Free School Meals team who will process the application, usually on the same date it is received, and an e-mail confirming their entitlement will be sent to the school the following morning.


Building Fund

Each year we kindly ask for your generosity towards the Diocesan schools Building Fund. We are asking for £30 per family (£10 per term, £5 per half term or 75p per week). If you wish to pay the full amount via cheque please make it payable to Our Lady’s School Building Fund. This is a voluntary request. There is no obligation to make any contribution.


School Uniform  


Red sweatshirt/cardigan (preferably with school logo)

White shirt/polo shirt

Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers

Black shoes


Optional Summer Uniform

Red & white gingham dress

Grey shorts (Shorts must be an appropriate length for school)


PE Kit

Navy/Black shorts

White T-shirt


Plain Navy/Black Tracksuit (no designer labels)


Please send the PE kit on a Monday and leave it at school until Friday.


Please click on the link below to order your school uniform.

Tesco School Uniforms



Red sweatshirt (preferably with school logo)

White shirt/polo shirt

Grey trousers

Black shoes


Optional Summer Uniform

Grey shorts



PE Kit

Navy/Black shorts

White t-shirt


Plain Navy/Black Tracksuit (no designer labels)


Please send the PE kit on a Monday and leave it at school until Friday.